Sound of Football Podcast 309 - Allowing the big to get bigger

Every time the biggest clubs in England demand more of football's financial pie, it comes with the promise that the national team will become stronger as a result of whatever changes they suggest. From EPPP to the formation of the Premier League itself, every grab for further power for the most powerful comes with the same tired and patently obvious lie.
Yes, England do keep qualifying for tournaments but since the formation of the Premier League, the national teams of all of the four main rival leagues in Europe have won the World Cup, whereas England can count just two quarter-finals — and few but the most optimistic of England fans believe they will challenge next summer in Russia.
With the promise also comes a threat — let us have our way or we'll break away and form a European Super League. With the ever-increasing globalisation of the club game, and online global media giants poised to join the broadcasting markets, has what was once the "nuclear option" for the most powerful clubs, now become the next logical step? Graham, Terry and Jan attempt to find an answer.
For more information on the podcast and links related to the subjects discussed, check out the Show Notes on our blog.