Sound of Football Podcast 286 - Tackling the SAS

Back in the day, Alan Shearer and Chris Sutton were known as the SAS, a formidable partnership that helped their team Blackburn Rovers to the title in the early years of the Premier League. Nowadays they both ply their trades as pundits for the BBC and both of them seem to find opinions as easy as they found the back of their opponents' nets during that 1994/95 campaign.
This week Shearer took exception to the number of manager's seemingly disrespecting the FA Cup by fielding weaker teams. Sutton's ire was directed at players who have decided to cash in on the opportunity presented by the Chinese Super League. Shearer thinks fans are being "cheated". Sutton thinks China-bound players are "mercenaries". Strong words but are they justified? Is it the job of these former players, and many others like them, to tell players and managers what they should and shouldn't do?
Terry, Jan and Graham are on hand to discuss all this and more. There's also some feedback from last week's podcast to take care of too. Including some more blue-sky thinking from our listeners.
For more information on the podcast and links related to the subjects discussed, check out the Show Notes on our blog.
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